Hi Dear Students , Here are some of the eBooks for you absolutely free.
I have gathered these books via internet itself and it was really a pain to collect all these eBooks when I was student.So I thought of sharing these books with you all.

So following is the list of eBooks. Click on any of the following subject to go to eBooks of that subject.
  1. Computer Networks  
  2. DAA (Design and Analysis of Algorithms)
  3. DBMS
  4. Graph Theory
  5. Discrete Mathematics
  6. Computer System Architecture
  7. Operating Systems
I Hope you will find these books beneficial for your preparation. All the very best for your studies.


  1. can u give me a Ebook of mechanical books for GATE preparation..


  2. Hi
    can u give me a Ebook of electrical books for GATE preparation..
    .thnks a lot

